Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.
January/February 2025
Ceramic Review is read around the world by potters, artists, students, enthusiasts and collectors. We welcome proposals for submissions. Subjects may be practical, technical or experiential, although we also welcome writings that are theoretical and look at the role of ceramics within contemporary culture. Email your proposals to editorial@ceramicreview.com.
Please provide high-resolution digital images, as large as possible, measuring at least 18cm x 13cm at 300dpi (equivalent to 3 megapixels), in JPEG, TIFF or Photoshop format. Caption images fully, giving title, materials, dimensions in cm, photographer’s credit, year of making and any relevant technical information. Acceptance of final articles is at the Editor’s discretion.
Please be aware that as this is a long-lead magazine, we work several months ahead of time. The only exception to this is our news and exhibition coverage.
The deadline for submissions is 21 March 2023
The deadline for submissions is 16 May 2023
The deadline for submissions is 18 July 2023
The deadline for submissions is 12 September 2024