Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.
January/February 2025
The Maeldune Heritage Centre, St Peter’s Tower, Market Hill, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4PZ
CLAYART, quintessentially, a collaboration of five Essex female ceramicists, will showcase their work under the central theme of the Essex Winged Serpent.
The theme is inspired by a centuries-old story about an encounter between a mysterious winged creature and a lone horseman. Dubious sightings of this dragon-like beast were reported in a local pamphlet “Strange News out of Essex”, printed in 1669, of which an original copy is held in the British Library.
The featured ceramicists are Ann Hebden, Jacqui Cade-Bowyer, Sandra Hall, Judith Annakie-Eriksen and Lucy Fowler.