Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.
January/February 2025
Art First, 15 St Mary's Walk, London, SE11 4UA
Art First is delighted to be working with Marisol Jacquemot-Derode. Her new sculptural, sumptuous pieces in richly glazed earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain have emerged as a response to the paintings for New Romantics by her co-exhibitor, Kate McCrickard.
"Clay is a funny thing, quite like children. It never totally does what you thought it would, so you learn to appreciate the qualities of the end result. I sometimes wonder if a vessel being a different colour, split or broken in the firing, is not ultimately the outcome the work was destined for, rather than the initial idea that I had in mind. With clay, nothing is set because it is alive. Trying to tame clay is a constant challenge and always an adventure".
After studying at the École du Louvre and the Marquetry Restoration School in Paris, Marisol worked in the film industry as an outfitter, before moving to Washington DC. Here she sourced mid-century furniture, fostering her interior design skills and interest in architecture while also painting to commission.
She began to work with sculpture and clay while raising her family when she moved to London. She was mentored initially by Chris Bramble and she now has two kilns, one in London and a second in France, allowing her to work in both countries at different times of year.
Exhibitions include ‘In aid of Women for Women International with Anne Singer at Tomasz Starzewski showroom (2020); Private exhibition with Rachel Shaw Ashton (2018); Seeing Beyond in aid of Breast Cancer Haven at the Piers Feetham Gallery (2017); the Chelsea Art Society Show, - award winner in 2015 – and she was also an award winner at The London Potters Exhibition in 2014 and 2016.
Jacquemot-Derode donates 10% from all sales to charities that support women or matters related to women.