Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.
January/February 2025
IaRex l'Atelier: International Artists Residency Exchange
Explore the connection between form, narrative and surface design by drawing, painting and carving on leather-hard clay. Bring a sketchbook of your favorite source material and be ready to incorporate new sensory and cultural influences to create a library of imagery unique to your time in beautiful Southern France! Participants will be guided in the process of distilling these ideas into dynamic, colorful surface design; giving individual stories universal appeal. This workshop is appropriate for makers of all levels. Participants should be comfortable constructing simple vessel forms or tile—hand-built and/or wheel-thrown—to be decorated in the leather-hard state using sgraffito, mishima, trailing and painting techniques. The pace of the workshop will allow for everyone to explore their own studio practice as well as area attractions such as museums, hiking, beaches and food!