Welcome to Ceramic Review

Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.

Ceramic Review Issue 328

July/August 2024

Ceramic Review Issue 146

Mar / Apr 1994

To Throw or Not to Throw

Ceramic Review Comment

The Potter's Friend
- Frank Hamer

Frank Hamer explains the virtues of frits

Animal Crackers
- Susan Halls

Susan Halls writes about her obsession with the animal world

Taut Fragility
- Helen Talbot

Appreciations of Martin Lewis's pots by Sister Wendy and Helen Talbot

Picasso the Potter
- Emmanuel Cooper

Emmanuel Cooper assesses Picasso's ceramics

Less is More
- Nicholas Homoky

Nicholas Homoky sets out his approach to pots and potting

Tsujimura: An English Summer
- John Maltby

John Maltby admires the work of the Japanese potter Shiro Tsujimura

Function and Fragility
- Jane Horbury

Jane Horbury looks at issues raised by the exhibition High Table

Matrix Glaze Calculation

Review of a new glaze programme

Ways of Seeing- Two Mugs
- Graham Carey

Graham Carey admires domestic pots

A Potter's Day
- Janet Leach

Janet Leach pots in St Ives