Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.
January/February 2025
Jan / Feb 2010
Alun Graves reflects on last year's event and looks forward to 2011
Robert Such discovers how Andrew Burton's travels have inspired his work
Natasha Mayo observes the childlike properties of Claire Loder's portrait heads
Simon Olding praises the new ceramics galleries at the V&A, London
Catherine Paleczny inspects Christin Johannson's curious sanitary objects
Grant Pratt travels to Turkey to meet the traditional potters of Karacasu
Claudia Clare asks of art galleries are starting to think differently about clay
Tim Rees discusses why clay should be used more widely in schools
Barbara Tipton reveals how Katrina Chaytor combines pattern with form
Pippa Jane Wielgos explores Picasso's influence on the pottery town of Vallauris
Matthew Blakely reveals how to achieve subtle variations through exploration