Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.
January/February 2025
Jul / Aug 2009
Vanguard Court Studios' at the Scottish Gallery
Natasha Mayo explores the narrative aspects of Linda Kieft's figures
US potter Jack Troy extols the pleasure of making and using pitchers
Giles Sutherland profiles the life and work of late Danish potter Gutte Erikson
Simon Martin visits Shozo Michikawa- the highlight of his recent trip to Japan
Vivian Goldstein gives her interpretation of Tony Moore's sculptural work
Gillian Turner enjoys the strong contrasts in the work and life of Nici Ruggiero
Gordon Cooke captures the quality of leaves in surface decoration
John Hesselberth advises on firing methods
Mike Bailey investigates the use of glass as a decorative medium
Teena Gould discusses her new body of work titled ‘Costal Ceramics', which was inspired by a two hundred mile walk along the Welsh coastal paths of Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Carmarthen.
Inspired by the exhibition ‘The Unexpected' at the Stedelijk Museum, ‘S-hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, Emma Shaw argues that ceramics are finding a new place in the art world