Welcome to Ceramic Review

Ceramic Review is the magazine for contemporary and historical ceramics, ceramic art and pottery.

Ceramic Review Issue 331

January/February 2025

Ceramic Review Issue 267

May / June 2014

Ceramic Review Issue 267


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pride of place:
- Stephen Dee

Stephen Dee on the daily reminder provided by a triptych

South Wales Potters: Fifty Years On
- Mary Cousins

South Wales Potters celebrates fifty years

The Print Room
- Dr Sarah Anne Carter and Christina Michelon

The US exhibition showcasing British transfer-printed ware

The Porcelain City
- Carol Grant

Carol Grant's residency in ‘The Porcelain City' - Jingdezhen, China

Imperfection & Balance
- Akiko Hirai

Akiko Hirai explains the beauty of imperfection and the Moon Jar's influence on her work

Country Life
- Ben Boswell

Ben Boswell compares the importance of place in the practices of Jim Malone and Ruthanne Tudball

Life & its End
- Michael Tooby

Michael Tooby discusses Julian Stair's touring installation, Quietus: The vessel, death and the human body

Against the Tide
- Antje Soléau

Antje Soléau draws our attention to Christiane Wilhelm's unconventional shapes and tactile surfaces

Where Are Ceramics Now?
- Jack Doherty

As Ceramic Art London celebrates its tenth anniversary, Jack Doherty remembers how it all began

Anything but Sombre
- Max Waterhouse

Jean-Nicolas Gérard's joyous and expressive ceramics, explored by Max Waterhouse

Taking Inspiration
- Simon Hulbert

Simon Hulbert, maker of functional gardenware, on his sources of inspiration

Wood Firing
- Matthew Blakely

Matthew Blakely shares a firing with fellow ceramist Svend Bayer

Chawan Teabowls
- Lisa Hammond

Lisa Hammond's approach to making chawans

a potter's day:
- Tiffany Scull

Tiffany Scull and her love of sgraffito

off centre:
- Gary Healey

Gary Healey reveals what potting and pain have taught him